The legal stakes are high for organizations that suffer a data breach.

After a security incident becomes public, investigations and enforcement actions by regulators around the world are increasing in size and scope. Regulators such as the SEC, the FTC and US state Attorneys General are increasing their scrutiny on company’s data security practices that allowed the security incident to occur and also focus on whether statements made prior to the breach were misleading. Data Protection Authorities, likewise are increasing the number of companies that they investigate (and fine) after receiving a notice of a security incident.

With both investigations by government agencies and the filing of private lawsuits looming just over the horizon as soon as a data breach occurs, organizations must respond in a way that positions them to resolve breach-related investigations and litigation as favorably as possible.

To meet these challenges, members of our global Privacy + Data Security and our Crisis Management Groups have written articles that tackle the legal concepts and concerns that organizations and their teams must keep in mind as they deal with the fallout from a data breach and the possibility—or perhaps likelihood—of government investigations and private litigation. Read these articles to gain deeper insight into:

  • The role that the board of directors should play in preparing for and responding to a data breach;
  • Strategies for preserving attorney-client privilege when hiring a third-party forensics firm to investigate a breach;
  • The pros and cons of making voluntary disclosures to law enforcement after suffering a breach, as well as the appropriate law enforcement agencies to contact;
  • The types of claims that plaintiffs’ attorneys often bring in data breach litigation and possible defenses to those claims;
  • Multidistrict Litigation (MDL)—the consolidation of multiple suits stemming from the same breach—and its potential impact on both the course and the outcome of the litigation;
  • And more.

Before the Breach

During the Breach

Beyond the Breach

It is our hope that the “Beyond the Breach: Through the Lens of a Litigator” articles will provide you with helpful insights into what you can do after a data breach to support your organization for the inevitable legal battles ahead.