We list below the local competent authorities responsible for whistleblowing compliance, in each EU Member State. You can also visit our Privacy Library for an overview of local data protection authorities.

Last updated: April 4, 2024


The Federal Office for Preventing and Combating Corruption (Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung) is the key competent authority, although other authorities have also been appointed for specific sectors.


The Federal Ombudsmen is the key competent authority, although other authorities will be appointed for specific sectors. 


The Commission for Personal Data Protection (Комисия за защита на личните данни).


The Ombudswoman (Pravobraniteljica).


Several competent authorities, depending on the subject matter/context of the report. The Ministry of Justice and Public Order (Υπουργείο Δικαιοσύνης και Δημοσίας Τάξεως) has published a comprehensive list, available here.

Czech Republic

The Ministry of Justice (Ministerstvo spravedlnosti) is the key competent authority in most cases, except for the imposition of fines on employers for breaches of the Czech whistleblowing law, in which case the competent authority is the Work Inspectorate (Inspekce Práce).


The Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) has been designated as the external reporting channel.


The competent authority is yet to be appointed as the Law has not yet been finalized.


A competent authority is not expressly named in the Finnish whistleblowing law, although the Office of the Chancellor of Justice (Valtioneuvoston Oikeuskansleri) is responsible for managing the external reporting channel. 


The Defender of Rights (Défenseur des Droits) is the key competent authority, although other authorities have also been appointed for specific sectors.


The German whistleblowing law does not specify which competent authorities are responsible for enforcement; competent authorities therefore vary from state to state.

The Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz) is a central external reporting office.


The National Transparency Authority (Εθνική Αρχή Διαφάνειας) is the key competent authority, although other authorities will be appointed for specific sectors.


The Labour and Occupational Health and Safety Department of County and Government Offices (Munkavédelem Foglalkoztatás-felügyelet) is the competent authority.


The Office of the Protected Disclosures Commissioner.


The National Anti-Corruption Authority (Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione).


The State Chancellery (Valsts Kanceleja) is a centralized contact point for whistleblowers, although other authorities have been appointed for specific sectors.


The Public Prosecutor’s Office (Prokuratūra).


The Reporting Office (Office des Signalements) is the key competent authority, although other authorities have also been appointed. An official website has not yet been created for the Reporting Office, although its contact details can be found here.


The Ombudsman is the key competent authority, although other authorities have also been appointed for specific sectors.


The competent authority is yet to be appointed as the Law has not yet been finalized.


Several competent authorities, depending on the subject matter/context of the report. Where no competent authority has been assigned to deal with the report or where a report implicates a competent authority, such report must be addressed to the National Anti-Corruption Mechanism (Mecanismo Nacional Anticorrupção), an independent administrative entity.


The National Integrity Agency (Agentia Nationala de Integritate).


The Whistleblower Protection Office (Úrad na Ochranu Oznamovateľov).


Several competent authorities, depending on the sector. The Commission for the Prevention of Corruption (Komisija za preprečevanje korupcije) has specific powers to advise whistleblowers.


The Independent Authority for the Protection of Informants (Autoridad Independiente de Protección del Informante) is the key competent authority. Additional regional competent authorities have also been appointed. An official website has not yet been created for the Independent Authority for the Protection of Informants.


The Swedish Work Environment Authority (Sw. Arbetsmiljöverket) is the key competent authority, although other authorities have been appointed for specific sectors.

The Netherlands

The Whistleblowers’ House (Huis voor klokkenluiders) is the key competent authority, although other authorities have also been appointed for specific sectors.