Mad Dash for Compliance: Diversity and Where We Are
Silicon Valley Directors' Exchange (SVDX) Webinar
Mad Dash for Compliance: Diversity and Where We Are
Silicon Valley Directors' Exchange (SVDX) Webinar
Morrison Foerster partner Jackie Liu served as a panelist in a dynamic Silicon Valley Directors' Exchange (SVDX) webinar discussion on evolving diversity requirements for the corporate boards of public companies in the state of California.
The end of 2021 marked a significant time for public companies in California as they faced increased requirements around diversity on their corporate boards. Between the California law requiring an increased number of female and underrepresented directors and Nasdaq implementing diversity mandates for its listed companies, there were a number of new requirements and deadlines for public companies to manage before the year ended. And the race is not over yet as diversity requirements will continue through 2022 with additional stipulations.
How have public companies fared in the rally for compliance and has it been a successful endeavor? How will companies continue to juggle requirements in the months and years ahead? This session will examine how 2021 ended up for public companies and what the 2022 forecast will be for diversity compliance.
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